Journal List > J Bacteriol Virol > v.41(1) > 1033988

Bae: Recent Methodological Approaches to Human Microbiome


Human body is one of the most complex and diverse microbial ecosystem in which various microbes are living together with their hosts. Starting with Louis Pasteur's postulation that human health is dependent on gut-resident microbiota, microbes in the gastrointestinal tract have been studied using culture-based techniques. Cultivation has the great advantage that isolates can be recovered and used to further studies for their ability to utilize different substrates and other physiological properties. However, cultivation method is very labor-intensive and can not reveal representative microbial diversity of human intestinal tract. Only small fraction of the microbes residing in human intestine can be cultured and majority of intestinal microbes (approximately 60~70% of intestinal microbes) can not be come into view with currently available cultivation techniques. To avoid reliance on cultivation, many culture-independent molecular methods have been developed to analysis environmental microbes and our understanding of complex microbial communities has been greatly increased by molecular methods in recent decades. These culture-independent methods are mainly based on the use of microbial DNA sequences. Among prokaryotic DNAs targeted by molecular analysis, approximately 1.5 kb long 16S ribosomal DNA gene that encodes part of the small subunit (SSU) of ribosome is often used for analysis of microbial diversity. Molecular techniques introduced in microbial ecology have made it possible to study the composition of intestinal flora in a culture-independent way based on the detection of SSU rDNA.


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Table 1.
Notable features of molecular methods for studying the intestinal microbiota
Methods Advantage Limitation
Cultivation Capable of isolation of microorganisms, physiological and biochemical test of isolates Lots of time and effort required Deficient reproducibility Difficult to isolate uncultivated microorganisms
DGGE Monitoring of microbial community change Comparison analysis of microbial community in various samples Inaccurate quantitative analysis due to PCR biases Requirement of sequencing to identify each band. Detectable only for dominant microorganisms
FISH Microbial detection and quantification in situ Low specificity of designed probe Difficult to detect all of targeted microorganisms
Flow cytometry Detection and separation of targeted microorganisms Obtain ability of uncultured microbial genomes The same shortcomings as FISH Incorrect cytometry
Q-PCR Quantitative analysis of specific microorganisms Very low-throughput Need of each different primer set and independent experiment for targeted microorganisms
Microarray Very high-throughput Analysis of functional gene as well as 16S rRNA gene Difficult to design specific probe High cost Low sensitivity than Q-PCR with environmental sample
NGS Low cost and short time to obtain massive sequence data Short read length PCR-induced artifacts and bias Requiring high-performance computer systems and bioinformatics tools
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