mini-AIR archives

The Newsletter: mini-AIR


Mel says:
"It's small. But it's swell."

The simplest way to keep informed about Improbable and Ig Nobel news and events — about research that makes people LAUGH and then THINK.

Receive our monthly e-mail newsletter.
It's called mini-AIR. It's free!


Mini-AIR is a (free!) teeny-tiny monthly *supplement* to the actual six-times-a-year magazine AIR.
Here are all the back issues of mini-AIR:

Twenty-First Century

Twentieth Century*

Ninteenth Century

  • Currently unavailable

*NOTE: Give or take a year. Yes, we know that the twenty-first century probably didn't start until 2001.

Our very best stuff goes into the magazine—the Annals of Improbable Research.
Our best detritus goes into our daily blog.
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